Saturday, 7 July 2012


Well that pub crawl was an experience. The clubs here are so so so different. Had a ball, danced and drank so much but was still able to find my way home. Met so many awesome people from all over the place. The funniest bunch was a group of girls here from Scotland, they were hilarious, I swear one of them was nuts but in a good way. Sorry to say but the majority of Aussie blokes over here are complete knobs. So arrogant! In saying that I have met a couple of really nice ones so I guess they make up for all the horrible ones. I would say the nicest people so far would have to be the Canadians. They are genuinely a really nice bunch of people and so friendly. A couple of chicks here in my hostel and on my bus just wont speak to me, they sit there and just stare, I find that quite funny. Maybe they don't like the fact that the "OLD" Kiwichick talks to all the blokes lol. But the majority of them are very nice. Oh well, time to catch up with Sam, don't know where we are going to go today but I guess its going to involve a shit load of walking again, don't now how my feet are going to cope with that, all I can say is bring on the bus ride to Berlin tomorrow, my legs will be rested lol

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