Tuesday, 12 June 2012


17 Days to go ............ and look what i get sent to me.  This pic above is just awesome.

How am I going to survive when all i have to contend with for 13 weeks is views like this?????

If it wasn't for family and friends I would never come home, I would be lost to the world forever.

Oh well things are well n truly moving along at a speedy pace.  Got my travel card and loaded it up with 2000Euros and 500 pound.  That should get me through the first few weeks at least.  I tell you what these Travelcards are awesome and so easy to recharge when needed.

Tonight my homework is to organise my Visas for America for me, dad and the boys and also to get my insurance sorted.  Then all that's left is to just finish packing.

Ciao from the starting to get excited soon to be World Traveller xxx

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