Saturday, 8 September 2012


So excited to be here, not happy to be here sick though! Oh well all I can do is soldier on and do the best I can do. The Busabout guides had organised a pinchos/pub crawl for that night, I was excited to go along and try the famous San Sebastien food, it was fun but it was a shame as I couldnt really taste anything, it all tasted the same, dam this bloody flu :( Oh well I stuck it out til close to midnight then headed home with some of the others. Tried to have a good nights sleep but the dreaded cough had started so kept myself and Beck and James up most of the night with it. Morning came and it was time to go see Jesus - well his statue at the top of the hill anyway. Met up with Tash and Ashlea and a couple of other newbies from their dorm. Started the climb, man it was tough with this chest thing I have going on, I felt so unfit and I was wheezing like a person with emphaciema - it was horrible. I made it in the end and was pleased I pushed through, It was beautiful up there, shame the sun wasnt shining but it was still good anyway. We stayed up taking pictures for over and hour before decending. Didnt really do too much for the rest of the day was starting to get worse as the minutes went by. Went to dinner with Bec and James that night and had canniloni - not very spanish I know but it was still good from what I could taste. Went home after and had an early one. Third night was James and Becs last night so the crew had a last supper, we went to the supermarket and brought lots of tappas things, lots of red wine, coke and fizzy so we could make our own calimucho (red wine and coke mix) and sangria, it was beautiful, had so much food tho, ended up throwing most of it out. I didnt get up til lunchtime the next day, im loving this spanish time, loving the siestas to, something I could so get used to. Went to the beach and spent about 4 hours down there just chilling and doing nothing but listen to music. I gotta get rid of this sickness. Tash and Ash left the next day so again another long sleep in and the rest of the day at the beach, im sort of feeling a little better, think the antibiotics may be working. Well if nothing else I did manage to top up the tan in San Seb, I did love the place, it is such a nice place to relax at and just get lost in the Spanish culture. This is it for Spain for me its now back to France in the morning. Bordeaux here I come. Thanks Spain for being so AWESOME. I'm definitely coming back to revisit one day.

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